9 9 FAVOR TASTE trademarks | Applied Marks - Trademark, Domain Name and Social Media Protection for Brands - /\\\ Applied Marks

exact 9 9 FAVOR TASTE exact 9 9 FAVOR TASTE

Trademarks matching '9 9 favor taste'

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The mark consists of two Arabic numerals "9" and three Chinese characters "???" surrounded by a square-shaped frame above the stylized wording "Favor Taste". The first traditional Chinese character "?" in the mark transliterate to "{ha?}" and this means "{number}" in English. And the following two traditional Chinese characters "??" in the mark transliterate to "{tsæn t?n}", and this means "{restaurant}" in English. The words Favor and Taste, locating at the bottom of the mark, are all characterized by Kunstler Script, uniform in size and font, and have uniform spacing from one another. Forming a gap on the upper left corner, two Arabic numerals 9 extend beyond the square -shaped frame are approximately 30 percent greater in font size than that of the Chinese characters???. And they are stylized with crescent shades on the left side of their oval parts. Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark. The color white represents background and it is not a feature of the mark. No claim is made to the exclusive right to use the Arabic numerals "9" apart from the mark as shown. No claim is made to the exclusive right to use the Chinese characters that transliterate to "{tsæn t?n}" which means "restaurant" apart from the mark as shown. No claim is made to the exclusive right to use the Chinese character that transliterate to "{ha?}" which means "Number" apart from the mark as shown.
  • 43
    Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation
    fast-food restaurant services; restaurant and café services; restaurant and catering services; restaurant services
por god party scales gso flavor family snacks health eat nuts heart skin special day return odds fog tip wedding
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